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HomeWholesaling20 Different ways to Wholesale Real Estate

20 Different ways to Wholesale Real Estate

Wholesaling real estate involves finding a motivated seller, securing the property under contract, and then assigning that contract to a buyer for a fee.

Here are 20 different ways to wholesale real estate:

  1. Bird dogging: Find potential real estate deals and pass them on to other wholesalers for a fee.
  2. Online marketing: Use social media, search engines, and email marketing to reach out to potential buyers and sellers.
  3. Direct mail: Send targeted mailings to homeowners who may be interested in selling their properties.
  4. Bandit signs: Place signs in high-traffic areas advertising your willingness to buy properties.
  5. Networking: Attend real estate events and meetups to connect with potential buyers and sellers.
  6. Craigslist: Advertise properties for sale or offer to buy properties on Craigslist.
  7. Auctions: Attend foreclosure and tax lien auctions to find potential deals.
  8. Wholesaling to other wholesalers: Find other wholesalers who are interested in buying your contracts.
  9. MLS: Search the Multiple Listing Service for properties that are listed below market value.
  10. Cold calling: Reach out to homeowners directly and offer to buy their properties.
  11. Driving for dollars: Drive through neighborhoods looking for distressed properties.
  12. Probate court: Look for properties that are going through probate court and contact the heirs.
  13. Short sales: Work with sellers who owe more on their properties than they are worth and negotiate with lenders to buy the property at a discount.
  14. REO properties: Work with banks to purchase properties that have been foreclosed on.
  15. Referrals: Ask for referrals from other real estate professionals, such as agents and property managers.
  16. Door knocking: Go door-to-door in neighborhoods you’re interested in buying properties in.
  17. Online auctions: Participate in online auctions for real estate properties.
  18. Lease options: Offer to lease a property with an option to buy it at a later date.
  19. Seller financing: Work with sellers who are willing to finance the purchase of their property.
  20. Creative financing: Use strategies such as subject-to, wraparound mortgages, and private money to purchase properties.
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